Man finds a Kitten in a plastic Bag and offers Him a loving Home…!


You are a great man!! You rescued Adventure and gave him a home. 🏠

Thank you for not only saving his life but giving him a new home and a new life!
What a beautiful kitten. πŸ’
So glad you found him and are giving him a loving home! πŸ β€οΈπŸΎπŸŽ„πŸŽ„

A man named David Louis Lankester had a rather peculiar experience. One night, as he was minding his own business, he discovered a kitten [] in a plastic bag.
David hastily took the kitten out of the bag and brought him back to his home. He gave him some food and made sure he was safe and warm.

After, David took the kitten to the vet, where he found out he was a healthy six months old fluff.
He decided to name him “Adventure” and introduce him to the rest of his little furry family, which already consisted of a cat and a dog.

“Adventure” fit right in with his new family. He quickly learned that David’s home was a safe space for him to thrive and show the whole spectrum of his kitten capacities.

David share: Just been climbing on the bookshelf doing his thing, ate loads of kitten food, and been playing with his tail? I thought only dogs did that, but “Adventure”, he [] all the rules. Crazy maverick!

How wonderful for them both 😘

“Adventure” also proved himself to be a true lap cat. He never missed a chance to snuggle in his pap’s lap, even if that seat was taken by a laptop: “Adventure” didn’t mind!
He adored his new life and soon grew up into a beautiful boy! However, more than anything, he loved David! Their bond was truly something special.

What a blessing! 😘

The friendship between “David and Adventures” is a true example of kindness beyond borders. Most of the time, it’s precisely those models that we need in our everyday lives.

What a beautiful kitten and look at the love it has for David! Thank you for having such a warm and loving ❀️ Take care of the little cutie πŸ’“

God bless you for taking him home πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

H/t: davidlouislankester


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