Firefighters look outside station window and see someone who needs them!


How sweet this little one knew where to go for safetyπŸ₯°

Thank you for bringing this cute kitty inside!
How wonderful. may you all your kindness be returned tenfold! β€πŸ™
This little kitty 🐈 needs a warm place to stay and food to eat and a loving family or person to love them πŸ’–

In central Canada late last month, firefighters at the Steinbach Fire Department received an unexpected visit from someone who appeared very focused on catching their attention β€” and it’s simple to understand why.

A cold stray cat peered helplessly through the station window.
Fortunately, the extremely cold cat had discovered the ideal location to receive the assistance she required.
The firefighters on duty understood they had no choice but to respond to her request. They invited the kitten inside to warm up after spending so much time outside in the weather.

The firefighters initially mistook their surprise visitor for a stray cat due to her warm demeanor toward them despite her suffering in the freezing outdoors. So they sent out a social media plea in the hopes of locating her owner, but no one came forward to claim her.

The cat’s rescuers then chose to take on the responsibility of getting her the treatment she required.
Ember was also given a name by them.
A trip to the vet revealed that Ember was in good condition, except from slightly frostbitten ears. She was vaccinated and spayed after that.
The Ember was then given a much-needed cleaning.

The fire department told: She received a bath and smells much better than she did when she arrived at our door.
While Ember appeared to be an ideal candidate for the fire department’s station mascot, her rescuers felt she needed more than what they could offer.

Because Steinbach lacks a full-time fire department, the station is not continually staffed. A cat like Ember requires a lot of love and attention, and the station might go days without someone being there.
Still, they’re not about to throw Ember out into the cold again.

Firefighters made a public notification β€” in this case, a Ember Alert β€” in search of an adoptive home for the kitten they’d rescued.

Your angels for helping this little kitty thank you and thank you for your service and sacrifices as firefighters!

He needs food, warmth and a safe place and lots of LOVE!! πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ˜»

God bless u for saving this precious furbaby!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


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