When this 12-Year-Old Shelter Dog learns she’s going Home, and her sad Face flips around!

So Very Happy For You Precious Sweetie Heart ❤️😊

You deserve all the love your new home can give you! 🐕‍🦺🐾💕
Don’t overlook senior dogs. They have a lot og love to give and get.

Mara, a twelve-year-old dog, was fortunate to spend most of her life with a loving human who cared deeply for her. However, their happy life together took a [he.artbre.aking] turn when her owner became homeless and could no longer provide the care Mara needed. [He.artbro.ken] and with tears in her eyes, Mara’s owner made the painful decision to surrender her beloved dog to “the Nebraska Humane Society”.

With Mara’s future now uncertain, shelter staff were concerned about her prospects due to her age. Senior dogs often face an uphill [b.att.le] when it comes to finding new homes, as many potential adopters are hesitant to take in older pets.
But just when things seemed bleak, a compassionate person stepped in, bringing hope and a new chapter for Mara.

Sarah Brumfield, a 40-year-old community health educator from Omaha. In her post, Sarah shared touching photos of Mara, both before and after the adoption, capturing the profound joy in Mara’s smile in the second photo. Sarah’s empathy for senior dogs had deep roots, stemming from the [lo.ss] of her own beloved canine companions.

After Sarah and her family [lo.st] their first dog, they welcomed a puppy named Hera into their lives. However, not long after Hera joined the family, their second senior dog also [pa.ss.ed aw.ay], leaving them grieving once more. The [pa.in] of [lo.si.ng] their furry friends left a void in their hearts, and it took them a significant amount of time to heal from the [lo.ss]. Yet, the decision to adopt Mara was a turning point, bringing joy and healing into their lives once again.

Mara’s presence helped to mend the family’s broken hearts, and her smile was a testament to the power of second chances. This adoption marked the beginning of a new mission for Sarah and her family—one focused on giving senior dogs the love and care they deserve in their golden years.

Mara’s story is a reminder that older dogs still have so much love to give and can enrich our lives in ways that younger pets might not.

While Mara awaits the arrival of another senior canine companion to share her days with, she spends her time enjoying life alongside her younger sister, Hera. The bond between Hera and Mara blossomed quickly, as if destiny had brought them together. Their friendship is a beautiful example of how age doesn’t matter when it comes to love and companionship.

Love senior guys. That’s who we adopt. We get the old guys no one else wants and just love them and take care of them for as long as they can be with us 💜💜
So there are good people out there!
Thank you for adopting a senior dog❤️

Sweet angel, you so deserve it.Many blessings in your new home🥰🤩
Welcome to a new home and you will be appreciated!!
Blessings to her 🐾🐾 new life and family🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

H/T: Iheartdogs


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