Smart Dog and extraordinary Police Officer!

Love the officer, and love how happy the Husky was to have company 😄❤️

A young pup at an Arizona rescue shelter had an interesting night and surveillance cameras captured how this party animal [br.oke] loose to get a midnight snack.

What a nice police officer to do that! The dog was so excited to see him too.
He’ll be rescued in a heartbeat! Smart dog!
The officer was awesome cleaning up King’s mess!
A night that King won’t forget and surely, one the police officer won’t either.

At the “[] Our Home Pet Rescue near 24th Street and Hardy Drive”, all was sound in the middle of the night until one of the rescue dogs, King, decided enough was enough.

Jodi Polanski – “[] Our Home Pet Rescue” founder said: The alarm went off. It was like, you know, 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock in the morning and I immediately looked to see what was going on and couldn’t find anything happening, and then I saw the mess, and I was like, oh my God.

That oh my, was footage of King breaking out of his kennel and even trying to get his friends out to join his party. After managing to open a closed door, King decided he needed some food and drinks – making a mess.

King was eventually [] by a Tempe Police officer.
Polanski share: The police actually came because he set the alarm off, and it kept going off over and over again.

Nicknamed as Mr. Clean, the Tempe officer, who wishes to remain anonymous, got King back in his bed, and ended up cleaning the aftermath of the dog’s festivities.

Polanski said: I was looking at the footage the next morning. 2 in the morning. I’m like, how is that possible? I had no idea the officer was going to clean up, and I saw it, and I was just like, wow, amazing man that he did that.

“The [] Our Home Pet Rescue” says they’re in need of pet food right now and especially dry cat food. They’re also looking for large dog fosters.

Watch the video – Huskies are Hilarious 😂😂😂 King is Amazing!!!!

Wonderful police officer cleaning up the mess and checking twice to make sure the dog was still contained. 😊👏

What a great escape artist! Hope he finds a real Loving Forever Home…! ❤️❤️❤️

God bless the officer helping clean. What a generous act to help. 🙏 🙏 🙏 Great job officer! 👏


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