Sеniоr Dоg nаmеd Gеrtiе wаnts 1,000 Hugs bеfоrе shе ‘pа.ss.еs’…!


Sending lots of hugs and kisses 💋

Please don’t scroll without giving her some love and prayers may she reach her goal! 🥹♥️🙏

Gertie, whose full name is Gertrude, is a 14-year-old dog who was on her way to accomplishing a singular goal: receiving 1000 hugs.
Gertie was a mixed breed who was discovered at McDonald’s in Arizona with her loyal friend, the Chihuahua Pablo. Kate Goodhart, who has a significant last name, adopted them.

Unfortunately, older dogs like Gertie are frequently [a.ban.doned] because their owners wish to produce little puppies, and as a result, they [br.ut.ally] [di.tch] their loving dogs somewhere on the road.

Kate decided to take Gertie to the vet after adopting her; Following the examination, the vet recommended that Gertie be put to sleep because the road ahead of her was full of [mi.se.ry du.e] to her condition and age. Regardless of the vet’s advise, Kate was determined to give Gertie a chance; she believed in her fighting spirit and was steadfast in her desire to provide her with as many beautiful moments as possible till the end of her life. Gertie perked up, as if she had a surplus of energy, and her health improved significantly, much to the delight of her family; it’s astonishing how love for a dog favourably affects him.

Gertie set out on an unusual objective after being adopted: to collect at least 1000 hugs before she left us forever. The purpose of this whole project is to give that ageing dog as much love and joy as possible – a lovely act and concept by its new owner, Kate. Everything was centred on Gertie and what she wanted at the time.

We hope that her story reached a large enough audience to raise awareness of older dogs and urge people to adopt.

Unfortunately, Gertie departed us forever in 2016.

Sending 1000 hugs and love 💕 more for you everyday! 🙏🙏🙏

Also sending lots of prayers!!🙏🙏❤️ be happy when you cross over the rainbow bridge. 🌈


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