A compassionate Dog Mom, who Delivered her Puppies on the Street, was Rescued along with her precious Pups just in the nick of time!

She didn’t have the strength to care for her new babies.♥️😢

Just in time too. You are certainly their Heroes!
God love and Bless you all. 🙏💖❤🐾
When an a.ban.doned female dog gave birth on the streets in 2020, the people who discovered her knew they had to act quickly if they were going to save the whole family. After birthing a litter of six, the mama dog was utterly [ex.hau.sted]. She didn’t have the strength to care for her new babies.

[Sa.dly], two of those puppies didn’t make it. Rescuers were going to make sure the others avoided that tr.agic fate.
A.ban.doned dogs often develop fear aggression and anxiety, through no fault of their own. This [tr.auma.tized] mama snapped at rescuers as they worked to collect the pups. They sensed her [f.e.ar] and knew she didn’t trust strangers.

Eventually, though, they got the whole family off the street. The four puppies had a rough start to their lives, but at least they all had each other to lean on.
Once the rescue provided the mama dog with some proper nutrition and water, she regained her strength. She was then able to feed her puppies the milk they desperately needed.

For the first four weeks, their mother’s milk is the only nutrition puppies receive.
With enough food to fill their bellies, the pups, previously unable to fend for themselves at all, eventually grew bigger. Not long after, they opened their eyes for the first time. Mama dog remained [skittish], but felt much better with food of her own to eat.

So glad some kind person rescued mum and her babies!

Thank you for rescuing Mumma Dog and her Puppies… Hope she and her babies can find good, caring homes. Life can be [c.ru.el]. May good people help.
God bless whoever saved these beautiful dogs❤️🙏🙏🐾🐾💕

Watch the video below: 

So sad that any domestic animal should be in this position… So glad she and her babies were rescued 🙏🏻♥️🐶♥️🙏🏻


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