Unique Bear Cub with White head is first of its kind spotted in Alberta!!!

They need to protect this bear!!!

Nature never ceases to amaze! A bear cub with a white head – that’s truly unique and special.
It’s incredible how the animal kingdom continues to surprise us with its diversity. A rare find in Alberta, and I’m sure this little cub has captured the hearts of many. Nature’s wonders are truly something to celebrate.

A family spotted a unique bear cub during their visit to Banff National Park on June 13 and experts confirm that this sighting is quite special.
The bear was with an adult grizzly and another cub with more typical colouring.

Professor Andrew E. Derocher, Ph.D. from the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta says: I’ve not seen anything like this bear. I’ve studied grizzlies on the West Coast of Canada and in Arctic Canada but this is unique.

That’s beautiful and unique!😍❤️❤️

Derocher says that the cub’s unique colouring is not likely related to its health and that it is more likely just another variation in the coloration of grizzly bears.
And Maybe it has polar bear in its genes!

There are not a lot of grizzlies in the area where these bears were seen, but we’d need to study the genetics of the bears to determine if there are any small population genetic issues.
Regardless, colour in grizzlies is quite variable and most studies show that grizzlies are quite variable in their genetic make-up, so we wouldn’t expect a small population genetics issue as a conservation concern nor as the cause of the white-headed cub at this time.

That is unique bear and both are cute… He is unique and needs to be protected.

There is a River, called the River of No return, some times it’s peaceful, sometimes wild & free, Love is a traveler. Love is our foundation, being wild & free enables creativity, So be like the river, never look back, always forward and live life to it’s fullest!!!

Hopefully it’s being protected by law otherwise it won’t last long! 🐻


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