Puppy Helps Cheetah Cub Overcome A [Ge.netic] Condition!

Animals are so amazing gift from God!!! 🙏💖

What a wonderful friendship hope they get to stay together.
Animals are amazingly empathetic. Empathy is one indicator of high intelligence♥️♥️

Ruuxa is a cheetah at the San Diego zoo that overcame a genetic condition that caused his front legs to not grow correctly. Rayner was introduced as a puppy for emotional support and they have formed the most adorable bond.

Cheetahs are the fastest land animal in the world, reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour. They can also jump over 6 feet high and 10 feet long.
Cheetah cubs are most [da.nge.rous] when they are still with their mothers. That’s because they get used to interacting with adult cheetahs, who will guide them through their lives.

How absolutely beautiful 😍❤️

Hunting is serious business for a cheetah. A successful hunt can mean the difference between life and [de.ath] for the cat and its cubs. Hunting skills must be learned and perfected. Play is the perfect way to do this.

During play, cubs practice stalking, [ch.as.ing], jumping on their prey, and [bi.ti.ng] it. They also learn how to avoid being [hu.nted] themselves by playing [fi.ght] games with each other. As they play, they improve their co-ordination and speed. Play also teaches cubs the rules of the jungle and how to be part of a cheetah family.

Great to see their great partnership 💖

They also learn the importance of teamwork – hunting as a group is more successful than hunting alone.
Through play they develop social bonds that will help them work together as a team.

How kind, and how happy they are to be friends🥰

And Rayner was introduced as a puppy for emotional support and they have formed the most adorable bond. ❤️
So adorable and the bonded of them both companions that help a cheetah to over come his disabledtly! 🥰

So lovely to see the dogs so friendly towards the cheetah.
So beautiful seeing these two together. 👌❤️ We all need a best friend who accepts and loves us for who we are!! 😻❤️
God Bless them all…! 🙏🙏🙏

Watch the precious video below:

San Diego Zoo /Safari Park/Safari Park has been doing this for decades, teaming suitable dogs with cheetahs. It’s been an extremely successful program. 🙂 


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