Orphaned Calf thinks he’s a Dog after being raised with German Shepherds!

This calf is so sweet…! 🐶

Just goes to prove we are all born to love each other – Like how well he’s acclimated with family and the other dog.

Calf Buddy has already picked up some hilariously canine habits – wagging his tail, playing chase with his pooch pals and snuggling up with the other puppies for a snooze.

Coral and retired police dog handler hubby Wayne adopted two-week-old Buddy after his mother died. The couple’s 12-year-old German shepherd, Bada, who recently gave birth to a new litter took on the calf as if it was another puppy.

Beautiful animals have no prejudice 💖💖💖

This is so sweet and Buddy will probably never realize he is a calf or that he was an orphan.

Watch Awesome loving caring heart warming story in video bellow:

Bless the calf. How he has a cow for as friend too. 🥰🥰🥰


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