Gorilla brings her Baby to window to meet Mom and Newborn on the other side!


This says more about animal intelligence and empathy than words ever could!

These primates are closer to us humans than we realize.
We are different and yet we’re the same … but we come from the same almighty creator ❤

Being a parent is one of the most powerful experiences on earth, and that doesn’t just go for human beings. These two mothers share touching moments, sharing their babies with each other, and one of them is a gorilla.
This will bring tears to your eyes!

When these parents brought their 1-month-old baby to the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston, they had an experience with a gorilla that warmed their hearts
New mother, Emmelina Austin, and her husband Michael, never imagined going to the zoo with her newborn would turn into an emotional experience that brought them to tears, but that’s exactly what happened.

It all started when she and her husband made their way to the gorilla exhibit and met another new mother, a gorilla named Kiki.
It’s no secret that moms share a strong bond, and this video proves that to be the case even if one of them is a wild animal

Kiki the gorilla comes over to the glass just to admire 1-month-old, Canyon, and the massive primate knows to be as gentle as possible.
Kiki softly touches the glass, all while giving that look of admiration that only a mother can give, but that was just the start of the endearing encounter.

After gawking over the newborn, Kiki had someone she wanted the couple to meet as well, it was her 7-month-old baby gorilla, Pablo
That’s when Kiki brings young Pablo over to meet her new friends, sitting him on her leg to carry him over to the Austins.

Emmelina and Kiki sat together with their babies, sharing the powerful bond that only mothers experience
It didn’t matter that the two mothers couldn’t actually speak to each other, and it didn’t make a difference that Kiki was a gorilla. The only thing that mattered was the feelings they shared, and in those moments, they were connected by motherhood.

It was a moment that the young family will never forget, especially now that it already has millions of views.
Seeing two mothers bonding with their babies is always a moving experience, but seeing a mother gorilla bond with a human mother might take the cake in the adorable category.

This is very touching but it makes me fantastically sad.
Only one of these parents has their freedom.
For a brief moment you could stop to wonder which side of the glass we humans should be in.

The gorilla is such a caring and intelligent being, showing her baby off as well.
So heartwarming to see two different species of moms showing their babies to each other,just beautiful ❤️
I’m crying! I absolutely love animals ❤️ 😍

Two proud Mammas sharing ❤️💙 their young so sweet and precious ❤️💖💙💗💕💜❤️


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