Exti.nct Prehistoric Bird Returns to New Zealand Wild!

THAT’S A COOL LOOKING BIRD. It looks like a Walking Globe 😲

Well they were always there, just a few numbers, but the conservation efforts are really helping their numbers slowly but surely. Efforts are still ongoing on [era.dica.ting] the [in.vas.ive] species such as feral cats, rats, rabbits, deer, weasels, stoats, etc.

This iridescent bird is a symbol of New Zealand’s unique Prehistoric past, like a “Miniature Earth” with…
But it evolved on an island without mammals, and with their [invasive] introduction came what might have been the bird’s ultimate [de.mi.se].

What a fabulous looking bird 😃

Looks like an overweight rainbow lorrikeet

However they were rediscovered after the Second World [W.a.r] and ever since conservationists have been taking a proactive approach to ensuring their survival. Eggs located in the wild are taken into care centers to protect them from [th.iev.es] like stoats, ferrets, and rats.

Love these beauties!!💙❤️💙

Conservationists raised chicks in breeding centers by using sock puppets shaped like adult takahe heads, an invaluable technique that eventually gave way to breeding in specially controlled environments.

Trapping the [inv.asive pre.dat.ors] has also been an incredibly important contribution to the animal’s steady growth in population of around 8% per annum.

Absolutely stunning!

On New Zealand’s South Island, Lake Wakatipu is the island nation’s longest, snaking through the Waimaori Valley for 50 miles. The surrounding environment of alpine slopes is perfect for the one-and-a-half-foot bird.

Cool they are basically beautifully colored chickens. 😂
How cool and amazing that they came back! The look sooo special! ❤❤❤

Watch the precious video below:


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