Incredibly Rare White-Faced Deer was Rescued after being [a.ban.doned] by its Mother…!


That’s the most stunning dear I’ve ever seen. ❤️

What is going to happen to this beauty? Hope she finds a good home 🏡 🙏 😌
Another one of God‘s incredible creatures uniquely made. 🌈⭐️🙏🏻😇❤️

An extremely adorable fawn a.ban.doned shortly after birth, has finally found comfort at a local farm. The baby deer was reje.cted by his own mom because he was born with a very unusual featuring on his face.

The one and a half-week-old fawn was born with a very rare condition called piebald. Unlikely [alb.inism or melanism], piebald occurs when an animal has large patches on its body without [pigme.ntation].
The little one is named Dragon.

Absolutely Stunning! Beautiful Eyes looking back…💚

Dragon born at Deer Tracks Junction, a farm in Cedar Springs, Michigan and due to his [con.Dition], his mom him shortly after birth. Fortunately, he’s now thriving thanks to the kind people that look after him.

So pretty bless absolutely gorgeous ❤️🌹🌷

Animals that suffer from these rare condition are very often [reje.cted] by their groups and even worst, they’re extremely [vuln.erAble] in front of [pr.eda.tors] due to their lack of [camo.uflage].

The white, on the other hand, makes him stand out so he can’t [] from [predA.tors], and he can’t hear or see as well as a regular deer, so he can’t hear or see [predA.tors] coming.

Just look how adorable she is… 🥰❤️

It is beautiful but it is also a birth [de.fect] that would prevent the fawn from [cAmo.uflaging] and would attract [predA.tors].
Thankfully, at the farm he lives, he has all the ingredients for a long happy life!

We’re well happy that she has a wonderful new home at the animal farm, it makes me smile when I see animals happy again.
God bless you sweet little angel…! 🙏🙏🙏

Watch the precious video below: 

Sometimes if you’re really lucky you can see a piebald or an albino in the wild.


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