Never disturb sleep!🐶😒
They say you should let sleeping dogs lie, but it looks like one driver ignored that advice, and is now [pa.ying] the [].
You see, this driver literally kicked a sleeping dog out of his parking spot, only for it to come back, very unhappy, and with a gang of friends.
The group of dogs proceeded to [] the cat, chewing up the wipers and fenders and causing all sorts of [].
Serves his butt right. They should have [bi.tten] him too!!
If it wasn’t for an ala.rmed nei.ghbor who noticed the pack of ho.oligan dogs [rava.ging] the car and took pictures, the owner may have not known it was the dogs getting their revenge.
Good boy, gooood boy! 😃😃😃
Like this dog…he went straight mobster!!!
No one should [k.ick] a dog or any pet…!! What is wrong with people …U treat pets right and love them
Well done those dogs ❤️❤️❤️that human [m.on.ster] got what he deserves ❤️❤️
Good for them, Never [] animals.